Wednesday, November 30, 2011

My Connectivism

This mind map explains how I connect with technology and use it to learn. My network has changed the way I learn drastically from five years ago.  I use many different types of technology to learn personal and professional information, and depending on where I am I use my laptop, desktop computer or smartphone to connect.  One example of how I use technology is five years ago when I wanted to learn something new I would often search on Google to find a book  that would explain how to do what I was looking for and either order the book or go to the bookstore and buy the book.  Now, I do a Google search on my laptop, desktop or smartphone to find information online that explains what I am looking for.  Then I read the article or tutorial online without purchasing a book or leaving my house.  Another, example of my change in technology use is how I have not used a telephone book in years, as I look up numbers online.  I have also changed my learning because I have shifted from reading things on paper to reading things online.  However, at times, I still print articles and read them on paper, but I do that less often than I used to.  I often find blogs, encyclopedias, dictionaries and other online media to learn from. 

The tools I use the most to learn from are my laptop and smartphone and Google.  For my master’s degree I use both devices to access myWalden site for my classes and the Walden Library for articles.  For lesson plans I use both devices to search for lesson ideas to incorporate in my classroom.  For tutorials or information on designing I use both devices to search for tutorials or explanations on design problems.  While in my personal life I use both devices to search for information regarding my children, health, my marriage, real estate, crafts and possible job openings. 

My learning network supports Connectivism in several ways.  I use my technological tools to learn anytime anywhere in many various ways from blogs to personal research to focus my learning in specific areas while adding new practices in my toolbox.  I learn a wide range of things at varying degrees of difficulty connecting diverse ideas and concepts to update and perfect my knowledge.  For example, I learn complex things such as how to create an e-commerce website to quick dinner ideas for my family.  Connectivism fits my current lifestyle and learning style.


Davis, C. Edmunds, E, & Kelly-Bateman, V. (2008). Connectivisim. In M. Orey (Ed.), Emerging perspectives on learning, teaching, and technology. Retrieved November 30, 2011, from


  1. I really enjoyed your mind map and reflection. I'm still a little old school because I don't have a smart phone to help me access the internet at any given time, but I will invest in one now that I have a reason to gain more knowledge. I also still print out articles from time to time, but that is decreasing as well. Great post!!!

  2. Hello Tabitha,

    I enjoyed your mind map. It made a statement and you gave the reference for this. I do believe that the internet is still a good way of obtaining education. Good job

  3. Jennifer, I like the way you linked the smart phones into the technology category since the devices serve as its on personal computer. It does allow us to utilize the same components as our laptops. The greatest strenghts of our smart phones is the abilities to sync with our computers and internet capabilities. Through the use of smart phones we are readily supplied with information at our finger tips. Hence, connectivism.
